Saw the ladies off yesterday morning, talked to the bdid for a few minutes, and packed up for a ride. I was planning on going pretty big, even broke out the hr monitor, left from boulder and started climbing. Felt pretty good, even thought the crushed limestone trail was soft and I had a headwind, I really felt like i was turnign the pedals pretty well. Anyway, I was heading up 4 mile canyon, and there's this benched in shelf trail that runs for maybe a mile or so above the road, on the southfacing side of the canyon. Things were lookging dry, so I decided to check it out.
As soon as I rode on the dirt for 30 seconds, I was hooked. Conditions went from perfect to snowy and back again a bunch of times. So, I wanted to spend some time there, and what better way to do that than explore a little. I know a little about the area, from other rides, but since it was mined pretty heavily 100 years ago, there are a lot of mine tracks that I'd never poked around on. I found a good one, took some pictures, but I'm not able to upload any pictures right now... so head to the link over at MTBR.
Got out on a social ride with Pablo and Matt Wester (he's the guy who went otb on Crosier last year). Green Mountain and Dinosaur ridge in Golden. Fun stuff, rode a new trail there too.
Finished off the weekend with a 1+ pound t-bone off the grill. Tasted like butter, damn it was good I could have eaten 8 or 9 pounds of it...
That's purty much it. My wife is home tomorrow so it's back to chores and lovin' and such.