Thursday, July 7

Laramie race course Posted by Picasa


mw said...

is that heading back to co from washington?

debaser said...

You got the right idear, although this was the other direction. Also got a great look at the Tetons and Yellowstone, and couldn't have been too far from Chad's place.

mw said...

what did everyone do this last weekend?

debaser said...

Dual sport weekend. Slept in Leadville, road sat, mtn sun. Tried to post last night, but had difficulties... Will try again tonight.

mw said...

early morn gravel for me and dk up to branched oak. then early morn platte and gravel up to bellvue on sunday. mmm. saddle time. i feel like in need it in order to get things straight for the upcoming work week. my weekday rides have almost dwindled to nothing so i am cherishing the weekends, even tho its driving kfw krazy!

MG said...

i hate to break the news, but it looks like i won't be making it to laramie this year... hopefully next year.

good luck to all who go though!!

bdiddy said...

Yup looks like i'm out also! Good luck to everyone that heads out for it!

Dakota 5-0 is Sept. 5th. I'll be there is some purdy good riding in dem hills! I might be able to make that event instead.