Sunday, April 23

Woods + Singletrack = Good

Had a couple great rides this weekend, back into the forest for the first time since last year for me. Exploring a bit, getting lost, and eating my new favorite trail food, it's got that "natural identical flavour." Mmm mmm Good.


mw said...

is that the trail winding around on that 2nd pic? or is that a fire road? nice pics. how dry is it out there?

bdiddy said...

I thought you would never give up the fig newtons!

debaser said...

It's the Switzerland Trail - old railroad bed. Climb that, and descend the rocky singletrack pics back to the bottom. Super tasty hour loop, left me some time to do some exploring, which pointed me towards some other stuff that I'm itching to check out.

Bdiddy, yer boss is gonna see you've been slacking, get back to patching tubes already.

MG said...

dude... is this post some sort of less-than-subtle attempt to get me to move back out there?! i can't believe you'd play mind games with me like that debaser. c'mon dude...

... ahem... sorry. nice pics dude. you should be a photographer or something when you grow up.

not that you're not grown up...