OK, you'll have to use your imagination for this one. Road ride from work, Olde Stage to Lefthand to Lee Hill for those of you with maps or good memories. 90 minutes from work round trip, 2 significant climbs.
1. Heading north out of town I caught up with what appeared to be the CU women's road team. Eight hotties on very nice rides cruising out of town. I sat back and enjoyed that!
2. An old Ford truck, much like the bdiddy's dads. The tailgate was repainted to say:
LORD (instead of Ford)
3. The last climb of the day, heard it before I saw it, a new BMW 645 revved up and sounding oh so pretty. I love bikes, but I like cars a whole lot and this was a sweet sounding car!
That's pretty much it. For the record, according to the ride today, I'm getting older and slower. I don't like that one fucking bit.