Tuesday, April 5

It's official!

I would lose my arse if it wasn't attached! Yup i lost all kinds of crap yesterday hat, wallet, cell phone! If the person that found my phone comes to the blog thanks for finding it and calling Magic. Must be someone that knows either Magic or me because i got a few numbers programed into that darn thing. Ya i really going through a bad stretch right now with forgetting stuff! Yesterday went to lisence my car and got and got to the front of the line "what do you mean cash or check only?" I had to go back to that damn place this morning and wander through the little roped off line for 30 minutes. I stopped to grab a cup of coffee before i went in and didn't have my wallet! WTF! The cool chicks at the coffee connection took care of me though! They have a policy there. Nobody leaves without their coffee! I owe them one! Went home and got my wallet stopped and got my plates and now i am work just waiting to loose something! I know it will happen thats just the way this week is going for me. At least my arse is still there :)

1 comment:

Chaybo said...

funny kirk.....
forkin forgettable.

the F.F. Starship, we have no power !!! What shall we do ?