Tuesday, November 22

Rime Ice

Damn....it's almost winter here. Today everything and i do mean everything is covered in rime ice. We had an inversion here last night that completely turned everything to darkness. It was kind of freaky, very quiet and it made the late walk home from the barn challenging. I've only walked this route about 2000 times yet i still managed to run straight into the garage, which is about the halfway point. Yep head first too ! Split lip, sore nose and chin....jesus h. Tracy got a good chuckle.....thanks for the comforting thoughts tra.

Anyway....the riding conditions are good. The ground is frozen. And up high we've got 47" of fresh stuff. Which means the Rossi XXX's are getting more action then the mtb.

Hope everyone is well !



debaser said...

Glad to hear you didn't get lost too bad. Maybe you should lay off the whiskey when you're in the barn.

Chaybo said...

ssshhhhhhh ! The wife reads this.

mw said...

you're going to have to give me a bit more on the rime ice. is that some sort of humidity thang

Chaybo said...

seems to only gather when we get an inversion. Which is when a layer of warm air traps a layer of cold air close to the earth. It's like living in the clouds and with them comes a ton of moisture, and not the rainy type....just tons of water particles floating around and they end up freezing to where ever they land....it's like winter never land, complete whiteness.

Anonymous said...

I remember that ride. Tall socks were key with all that ice on the grass.

I didn't bring the bike this thanksgiving but did a couple of days at LT. Lots o' snow in bozeman now, almost a foot on the ground and all snowflakes in the forecast. Bridger Bowl is even opening for the weekend early.