Wednesday, December 20

Snow? Snow! Snow...

It was dry 12 hours ago. Even the post office gave up today. Time to go xc... skiiing.


Chaybo said...

da-mb !

that's a good 18" or so

redstone said...

I was just outside with the tape measure because I am a nerd. Depending on where I measured, we have 19-21" and it's still dumping.

debaser said...

I walked around the neighborhood for a few minutes, because SOMEONE MISPLACED my xc ski boots...

The snow was deeper than my knees most places. News now is saying that the snow will likely continue through tomorrow afternoon.

Dave: Glad you got home okay. My typcial 20-25 minute commute turned into 2 and a half hours once they shut down all the highways.

MG said...

that's just insane. glad to hear you all are home and safe. i guess i'll feel lucky that we're just getting rain.

but i bet it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!


Anonymous said...

I miss that fluffy white stuff. Clear skies and 35 degrees at 10am. I wish all you guys a great holiday week.