Sunday, October 21

Plan D or E?

This weekend we blew through so many plans, I'm still a bit confused about how it all came together. No matter, because after a painful ride on slickrock, a great hike, and a crappy drive over iced over highways, we're all safe at home. I wouldn't have it any other way.


mw said...

what does this mean?

are you hurt?

debaser said...

Took a nice bounce and slide on slickrock, but its just a fleshwound.

debaser said...

We were planning on heading to GJ/Fruita with the S-Houses, but they had to bail, and then my broinlaw let us know that he would be in Moab so we made a day trip there Saturday. Ride on the morning, hike to Corona arch in the afternoon, then back to GJ to the hotel for sleep.

sda said...

greedy bastard, trying to sneak in an extra gj/fruita trip before novemeber.

serves ya right.

MG said...

sounds like you had more fun on my birthday than i did!

debaser said...

Yes, I'm greedy. I'll take what I can get these days, thank you very much.

MG said...

well said